Journal of Dali University ›› 2022, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (3): 1-9.DOI: 10. 3969/j. issn. 2096-2266. 2022. 03. 001

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The United States Countervailing Against China:Trends,Causes and Countermeasures

Ma Zhongfa,Sun Yushan   

  1. School of Law,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China
  • Received:2021-09-01 Revised:2021-09-15 Online:2022-03-15 Published:2022-03-28

Abstract: The U.S. has been frequently conducting countervailing duty investigations towards Chinese companies since its first
launch in 2006,which has become one of the major controversies in Sino-American economic and trade relations. The American
Innovation and Competition Act under consideration is keenly targeted at China,with the Strategic Competition Act of 2021 closely
reflecting the U.S. economic and trade policy toward China,which accuses China of subsidy policies and requires the U.S. government
to take tough measures. The relatively robust American countervailing legal system and recent legislation pose new challenges to
Chinese subsidy issues:first,the number of countervailing investigations against China will continue to increase;second,
countervailing investigations against China will be more focused on Chinese advantaged industries such as metal industries;third,
countervailing investigations and anti-dumping investigations will continue to be conducted on a large scale;fourth,countervailing
investigations initiated by the U.S. will affect other countries. Not only politics and economy but also the countervailing system itself
are accountable for these trends and challenges. In this regard,China should take the following measures to actively respond:first,
to adjust and consummate the current subsidy policy;second,to take appropriate countermeasures at the appropriate time;third,to
promote the construction of new international subsidy rules.

Key words: subsidy, countervailing, Strategic Competition Act of 2021, countermeasures

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